Saturday, May 21, 2011

UN DX CONTEST (Open Kazakhstan Championship) 2011

9M2ZAK will qrv on UN DX Contest in this category :

SOAB–CW–LP - Single Op, All Bands, CW, Low Power 100 watts

See u down the logs...

UN DX CONTEST (Open Kazakhstan Championship) 2011

1. General
The Kazakhstan Federation of Radiosport and Radioamateur (KFRR) and Ministry of Tourism and Sport of the
Republic of Kazakhstan are announcing the UN DX CONTEST (Open Kazakhstan Championships). All
world-wide radio amateurs having the amateur radio licence are invited to participation.

2. Contest Period, Bands and Modes
Contest period: 12.00 UTC 21 May 2011 – 12.00 UTC 22 May 2011
Bands: 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, 10m.
Modes: CW and SSB

3. Entry categories
- SOAB–MIX - Single Op, All Bands, mixed,
- SOAB–MIX-LP - Single Op, All Bands, mixed, Low Power 100 watts
- SOAB–CW - Single Op, All Bands, CW
- SOAB–CW–LP - Single Op, All Bands, CW, Low Power 100 watts
- SOAB–SSB - Single Op, All Bands, SSB
- SOAB–SSB-LP - Single Op, All Bands, SSB, Low Power 100 watts
- SOSB–MIX - Single Op, single band, mixed
- MOST - Multi Op, All Bands, Single transmitter, mixed
- SWL - amateur receiving station

4. Special terms of Competition
Number of band changes is not limited for all entry categories. Single Operator participants may change bands
and modes without any restrictions. Only one signal can be transmitted at any time. Single Operator participants
may declare in only one category of the contest, but contacts can be done on other bands or other modes for a
check log. MOST category is MIXED and HP only.

5. Exchange
Kazakhstan stations should send RS(T) report plus KDA award district code (one letter and two digits, for
example L17).
Non-Kazakhstan stations should send RS(T) report plus progressive serial number, starting with 001 for the first

6. Contact points
Kazakhstan stations:
- QSO within the country – 2 points,
- QSO between stations on the same continent, but different countries – 3 points,
- QSO between stations on different continents – 5 points.
Non-Kazakhstan stations:
- QSO with Kazakhstan station – 10 points,
- QSO within the same country – 2 points,
- QSO between stations on the same continent, but different countries – 3 points,
- QSO between stations on different continents – 5 points.
Dupes are contacts made with the same station on the same band and the same mode. If the first contact
between stations is valid, dupes have 0 points value. If the first contact is not valid, second (dupe) contact is
accepted. Dupe contacts are not penalized; one does not have to mark them in the log submission. Moreover,
entrants are strictly recommended to keep records of DUPES in the log file. DO NOT DELETE DUPES!
Contact points for SWLs are credited for every new station heard and are calculated the same way as for other
entry categories.

7. Multipliers
Two multipliers are counted:
- One multiplier (1) for each different KDA district contacted on each band.
- One multiplier (1) for each different DXCC country on each band.

8. Final Score
The final score is total contact points multiplied by the sum of KDA districts and DXCC countries.

9. Submission of Logs
Electronic logs in the CABRILLO file format are preferred. They may be created by all major logging programs.
The log must show the following for each contact: correct time in UTC, band, call, exchange number sent, and
exchange number received.
The ASCII plain text file format is also acceptable. The header of electronic log MUST specify an entrance
category and the full postal address for sending UN DX Contest results, trophies, awards and certificates. The
written declaration is not necessary. Log submissions in MS Word, Excel or UUE-coded files may cause a
disqualification of the entrant in case of wrong file conversion to plain text format. Hand-written log can be made
in chronological order or have a separate sheet for each band. Each QSO must contain callsign, time, band,
exchange number (both sent and received, even for check logs). Points and final score calculations are not
necessary; calculations will be done by our software. Deadline: All entries must be emailed or postmarked NO
LATER than 30 days after the contest (no later than June 23 2011).
Electronic logs must be submitted by e-mail to: HF_KFRR@MAIL.RU
Logs should be sent as an attachment named yourcall.log, e.g. UN7LLL.log
Be sure to put the station callsign and category in the "Subject:" line of the e-mail, e.g.: UN7LLL SOAB SSB LP
Paper logs should be sent to: UN DX Contest, P. O. Box 88, 010000 Astana, Kazakhstan.
Log example:
KDA-SECTION: DX (or KDA code for Kazakhstan stations)
CLUB: (contest-club name)
NAME: (operator name)
ADDRESS: (postal address)
SOAPBOX: (comment)
QSO: 14308 PH 2011-05-21 1201 W7LYZ 59 001 UR7EM 59 004
QSO: 14298 PH 2011-05-21 1203 W7LYZ 59 002 DJ5MW 59 008
QSO: 14304 PH 2011-05-21 1203 W7LYZ 59 003 EF8R 59 005
QSO: 14307 PH 2011-05-21 1204 W7LYZ 59 004 YO3FRI 59 002
QSO: 14307 PH 2011-05-21 1204 W7LYZ 59 005 DK4KI 59 003
QSO: 14307 PH 2011-05-21 1205 W7LYZ 59 006 IV3UHL 59 004
QSO: 14307 PH 2011-05-21 1205 W7LYZ 59 007 UN7PBY 59 P04

10. Awards
Non-Kazakhstan station:
Plaques are awarded to winners in each entrance category, provided that the number of participants in this
category is no less than five. Certificates are awarded for three highest scores in each entrance category.
Certificates will be awarded to the highest scoring station in each category in every participating country.
Kazakhstan station:
Gold, Silver and Bronze medals will be awarded in each entrance category by the Ministry of Tourism and
Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Any participants may claim the Kazakhstan Federation of Radiosport and
Radioamateurs awards from the contacts made in the contest.

Install M5Stick-Launcher for Lilygo T-Deck

 Step 1 : Pergi ke github ini, kemudian klik pada release yang terkini, ada sebelah kanan s...