Monday, March 21, 2011

Qsl from Papua New Guinea P29CW : Working for a healthier PNG

Allan (VK2GR) Josette (VK2FXGR)

P29CW will be active from February to September 2011. Allan (VK2GR) and Josette (VK2FXGR) are returning to continue their volunteer aid work with Australian Doctors International

This is a low power (100Watts) 80M to 10M, spare time operation, therefore the focus will be on CW. When conditions are good/excellent, SSB and RTTY modes will be used.

Tu Dr Allan Fer Nice Cw Ragchew Qso, Vy Hpe We can Wkd Agn...73, 9m2zak

ESP32 WIFI Analyzer with OLED Display

Wifi Analyzer Skrip dibawah  ini berfungsi untuk scan WiFi berdekatan dan memaparkan maklumatnya pada screen OLED. Fungsi utamanya ialah: Sc...