Sunday, March 20, 2011

Communicating with Ham Radio

..... a frequent question asked about ham radio is, "How do know where to tune for certain station?"... and the answer is usually, " You dont!"........

....Ham radio operators dont have specific frequency assigments or use channel numbers...

The good news is that ham radio has an unparalled flexibility to make and maintain communiction under continually changing circumstances....

The bad news is that making contact with one specific station is hard because you may not know on what frequency to call them......

However, hams have found many ways around the latter problem with the result being an extraordinarily powerful and adaptive communication service....

73, de 9m2zak

ESP32 WIFI Analyzer with OLED Display

Wifi Analyzer Skrip dibawah  ini berfungsi untuk scan WiFi berdekatan dan memaparkan maklumatnya pada screen OLED. Fungsi utamanya ialah: Sc...