Friday, March 25, 2011

New dxcc from Mexico, XE2MX


José Merced (Pepe) Lozano

Av. 18 de Marzo 1904 Col. Hidalgo.

Ensenada B. C. ZC -22880, BC 22880


Malam ini selagi lagi aku dapat dxcc baru. Kali ini dari negara Mexico, yang menariknya aku hanya menggunakan 50 watt sahaja dan tx di band 40m, rst 599 dan dia pun terima 599. Antenna yang digunakan pula ialah inverted G5RV. Ini macam hatrik pula, dua malam berturut-turut. Apapun terima kasih Mr Pepe atas contact di 40m dan salam contact perdana di 40m band. Semoga kita berjumpa lagi di lain band pula. Kalau ada kesempatan mungkin kita boleh berjumpa lagi esok di CQWPX CONTEST. See u there...

73, 9M2ZAK

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Today's new dxcc...

J28AA, Darko Rusman ,Djibouti

UV5EVJ will be active from Uganda until 8 June 2011 as 5X1VJ
He will be active on HF Bands CW , SSB
QSL via home call
Sergiy Shpak ,P.O. Box 2378 ,Dnepropetrovsk 49040 , Ukraine

Malam ini aku berjaya mendapat dua lagi dxcc, kali ini dari Africa, J28AA dari Djibouti dan 5X1vj dari Uganda. Signal yang aku terima daripada mereka begitu kuat sekali 599 dan mereka pun menerima signal dari Johor pun kuat juga 599.Terima kasih Mr Darko dan Mr Sergei atas qsonya, semoga kita dapat bekerja lagi di lain masa.

73, 9m2zak

Monday, March 21, 2011

Passing the Morse code test

The Morse code test is very basic, you listen to 10-7 minute of code from a computer and write down what characters you hear. The test goes something like this:
  1. Test administrator starts the computer and you get 1-2 minute of practice code before the real test begins. Be sure that you can hear the code generator clearly and let the test administrator know if you cant. Sometimes strong echoes interfere with the code, so dont be afraid to have the equipment adjusted or move around until you can hear clearly. Take advantage of this time to relax and get comfortable. Dont worry if you dont copy the practice minute well, use the practice to get rid of your jitters.
  2. Verbal instruction are given for the actual test code by the tester. Follow the instruction carefully despite the adrenaline coursing through your veins.
  3. 6 V characters (meaning test) are sent.
  4. The actual test begins and continues for at least 7 minute. The code contains text and numbers in two session. First session : anything from plain Bahasa Melayu. Second session : Random groups of number.
Like written exams, you can take some easy steps to make your Morse test easier...
  • Dont : practice at very high or very low speeds, stay just a little faster than the test speed. ( 16-14 wpm)
  • Do : have at least one spare pen or pencil ready to pick up and use.
  • Dont : erase any miscopied characters, just make a single line through them.
  • Do : Leave an underscore when you miss a character, like_this, because you may recognize the word as you copy more letters. Making underscore for each missed character keeps you in rhythm until you get back on track.
  • Dont: Panic when you miss a character. take a deep breath and focus on an upcoming character.
If u didnt make it, dont be disheartened. Many sessions allow you to take it again. Dont let a failure stop you! Many hams make more than one attempt to pass a test and they are on the air today.

Hope to see on the bands
73, 9m2zak

Qsl from Papua New Guinea P29CW : Working for a healthier PNG

Allan (VK2GR) Josette (VK2FXGR)

P29CW will be active from February to September 2011. Allan (VK2GR) and Josette (VK2FXGR) are returning to continue their volunteer aid work with Australian Doctors International

This is a low power (100Watts) 80M to 10M, spare time operation, therefore the focus will be on CW. When conditions are good/excellent, SSB and RTTY modes will be used.

Tu Dr Allan Fer Nice Cw Ragchew Qso, Vy Hpe We can Wkd Agn...73, 9m2zak

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Communicating with Ham Radio

..... a frequent question asked about ham radio is, "How do know where to tune for certain station?"... and the answer is usually, " You dont!"........

....Ham radio operators dont have specific frequency assigments or use channel numbers...

The good news is that ham radio has an unparalled flexibility to make and maintain communiction under continually changing circumstances....

The bad news is that making contact with one specific station is hard because you may not know on what frequency to call them......

However, hams have found many ways around the latter problem with the result being an extraordinarily powerful and adaptive communication service....

73, de 9m2zak

Saturday, March 19, 2011


9m2zak will qrv on this contest in this Categories:
SOAB–CW–LP - Single Op, All Bands, CW, Low Power 100 watts


1. Contest sponsors
The "Soyuz Radioljubitelej Rossii" (Union of Radioamateurs of Russia), SRR is pleased to announce 18 International "Russian DX Contest"

2. Contest Period
1200 UTC 19 March - 1200 UTC 20 March 2011

    3. Categories:
  • SOAB–MIX - Single Op, All Bands, MIXED,
  • SOAB–MIX-LP - Single Op, All Bands, MIXED, Low Power 100 watts
  • SOAB-MIX-QRP - Single Op, All Bands, MIXED, QRP 5 watts
  • SOAB–CW - Single Op, All Bands, CW
  • SOAB–CW–LP - Single Op, All Bands, CW, Low Power 100 watts
  • SOAB–SSB - Single Op, All Bands, SSB
  • SOAB–SSB-LP - Single Op, All Bands, SSB, Low Power 100 watts
  • SOSB - Single Op, single band, MIXED (6 different band entries, separately 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 m)
  • MOST - Multi Op, All Bands, Single transmitter, MIXED
  • MO2T - Multi Op, Two transmitters, MIXED

All bands, 1.8 through 28 MHz, WARC bands excluded.

3.1 The participant can operate and enter in two different single band categories. This allows a station, for example, enter two logs for 10m and 80m and have both count towards awards.

3.2 Single Band entrants operating other bands during the contest are encouraged to submit their logs for more than one band to aid in the log cross-checking process.

3.3 All entries separated by World, European Russia, Asiatic Russia.

4. Team Competition
4.1 OBLASTS COMPETITION (Russian entrants only). The OBLAST score is the sum of top ten stations scores from the same oblast.

4.2 CLUB COMPETITION - between contest clubs and groups, separately for Russian and foreign clubs.

4.2.1 Participants of CLUB competition may submit their score for their club regardless of country and distance to the club HQ.

4.2.2 Foreign participants may submit their scores in favor of the Russian Clubs and vice versa. Participant’s score may be credited to one club only.

5. General Rules
5.1 Transmitters and receivers must be located within a 500 meter diameter circle. All antennas used by an entrant must be physically connected to the transmitters by wires (feeders).

5.1.1 All categories of entrants are allowed to use packet and WEB clusters.

5.1.2 Using any IP net for the remote transceiving, including web radiostations is unsportsmanlike and the entry is subject to disqualification.

5.1.3 Self-spotting is not allowed. Soliciting contacts by telephone, telex, internet, packet mail during and before the contest is forbidden.

5.1.4 Using other stations callsigns for the following - keeping the working frequency on the other bands, making schedules, DX-spotting, moving the multipliers to the other bands - is prohibited.

5.1.5 The use by an entrant of telephones, telegrams, Internet, packet to solicit contacts during the contest (self-spotting) is not allowed and forces to disqualification of an entrant.

5.2 Single Operator participants may change bands and modes without restrictions. Only one signal can be transmitted at any given time.

5.2.1 Single Operator: Those stations at which One person performs all of operating, logging, and spotting functions.

5.3 MOST stations are limited by "10 minutes" rule. Start time is determined on the first QSO made on that particular band. Only one signal can be transmitted at any given time. Exception: two signals on different bands are allowed if and only if the station on another (only one) “multiplier” band picked up a new multiplier. This “multiplier” band should also be changed on “10 minutes” rule. Contacts, violating both rules, should be shown in the log, they will neither be counted nor penalized for an entrant, but counted for the station contacted.

5.4 MO2T (Multi Op, Two transmitters): A maximum of two transmitted signals at any time on different bands. Each transmitter may make a maximum of 8 band changes in any clock hour (00 through 59 minutes). For example, a change from 40 meters to 80 meters and then back to 40 meters constitutes two band changes. Both transmitters may work any and all stations. A station may only be worked twice per band (CW and SSB) regardless of which transmitter is used.

5.5 All of MIXED categories entrants can work the same station both CW and SSB. CW contacts on SSB portion of the band, and SSB contacts on CW portion of the band are prohibited.

6. Exchange:
6.1 Non-russian stations: signal report + QSO number, starting with 001.

6.1.1 MOST (Multi Op, All Bands, Single transmitter)can use separate serial numbers for each band or chronological serial numbers.

6.1.2 MO2T (Multi Op, Two transmitters) MO2T (Multi Op, Two transmitters) can use either separate serial numbers for each band or separate serial numbers for each transmitter. Each QSO in the submitted log must have transmitter identifier.

6.2 Russian stations: signal report + oblast code (two letters). Alternative oblast codes are allowed.

7. QSO Points.

    7.1 Russian stations:
  • QSO with your own country (Russia on your continent) – 2 points,
  • QSO with Russia on another continent – 5 points,
  • QSO with a different country on your continent – 3 points,
  • QSO with another continent – 5 points.
    7.2 Non-Russian stations:
  • QSO with Russian station – 10 points,
  • QSO with your own country – 2 points,
  • QSO with a different country on your continent – 3 points,
  • QSO with another continent – 5 points.

7.3 Kaliningrad (UA2) is a separate DXCC entity and a separate Oblast, but points for QSO with Kaliningrad are counted as for European Russia.

7.4 /MM stations are not the multipliers, but worth 5 points for any participant.

7.5 SWL stations must copy one or both exchange numbers, points are scored on common rules.

8. Dupes
8.1 Dupes are contacts made with the same station on the same band and mode. If the first contact between stations is valid, dupes have 0 points value. If the first contact is not valid, second (dupe) contact is accepted.

8.2 Dupe contacts are not penalized; one does not have to mark them in the log submission. Moreover, entrants are strictly recommended to leave DUPES in the log file. DO NOT DELETE DUPES!

    9. Multipliers
    9.1 Two types of multiplier will be used:
  • A multiplier of one (1) for each different oblast contacted on each band.
  • A multiplier of one (1) for each different country contacted on each band.

9.2 Different Russian Oblasts are: Franz Josef Land (R1FJ), Malyj Vysotskij Island (R1MV) and Russian stations in Antarctica (R1AN).

10. Final Score
All stations: the final score is the result of the total QSO points multiplied by the sum of oblast and country multipliers.

11. General Log Submission Requirements

11.1 Logs are accepted in CABRILLO electronic format only.

11.2 Filename of your log should be yourcall.log or .cbr. Example: UA1ANX.log.

11.3 For 2 band entries participants filenames used must be: yourcall_band.log or .cbr. Example: UA1ANX_20.log and UA1ANX_80.log.

11.4 Electronic log must be submitted as an attachment to or uploaded through a special form on RDXC WEB page:

11.5 The subject line of an E-mail with your log must contain your call.

11.6 All times must be in UTC.

11.7 All sent and received exchanges must be logged.

11.8 In the header part of the electronic log submission you must specify entry category and your full mailing address, suitable for receiving certificates and trophies.

11.9 Dupes should not be marked or deleted.

11.10 MO2T (Multi Op, Two transmitters) electronic log submission (Cabrillo) must identify which transmitter made each QSO.

11.10.1 An applicant will be moved to Check Log if he fails to identify the number of transmitters in MO2T entry.

11.11 Logs for high scores claiming to be in the top 3 list of any contest category (p 3, 3.3) must indicate the frequency of every QSO made (CAT system use) with a minimum resolution of 1 kHz.

11.11.1 An applicant will not be awarded any of the final "Top 3" places of any category unless exact frequency of every QSO made is indicated.

11.12 Participants of Low Power and QRP categories must clearly identify equipment used, as well as antenna types by band, ASL and above ground elevation, type and length of coax cable. Use the comments/soapbox of your Cabrillo log.

12. Log Submission Terms
12.1 Logs must be submitted to the contest sponsors within 14 days after the end of the contest (no later than April 3 2011).

12.2 An applicant aiming for a spot in the "Top 3" list of any contest category (paragraph 3, 3.3) must submit his logs within 36 hours after the end of the contest.

12.2.1 An applicant will be denied a spot in the "Top 3" of any category if his log was submitted later than 36 hours after the end of the contest.

12.3 Receipt of the log is automatically confirmed by E-mail, as well as placement into "Logs received list" page on RDXC Website.

13. Awards
13.1 Special plaques for different categories 1st place winners are founded.

    13.2 Every participant from Russia and Europe will receive a certificate of merit for the following:
  • Multi-band and single band 20 and 15 m entries – 200 and more QSO,
  • Single-band 80 and 40 entries – 150 and more QSO.
  • Single-band 160 and 10 m entries – 100 and more QSO.
  • MIX-QRP entry - 100 and more QSO.
    13.3 Every NA, SA, AF, AS, OC and AN participant will receive a certificate of merit for the following:
  • Multi-band and single band 20 and 15 m entries – at least 150 QSO’s,
  • Single-band 80 and 40 entries – 100 and more QSO.
  • Single-band 160 and 10 m entries – 50 and more QSO.
  • MIX-QRP entry - 50 and more QSO.

13.4 Non-Russian participants: 1st place certificates will be awarded in each category listed under Section 3 in every participating country, but the log must contain at least 50 QSO’s.

13.5 SWL stations will be awarded a certificate (13.2, 13.3).

13.6 Oblast competition: only oblasts represented by 5 or more stations will be awarded.

13.7 Clubs competition: only clubs represented by 5 or more stations will be awarded.

14. Contest-Related Information
14.1 Every participant who sends his electronic log will receive personal UBN-list with his claimed/confirmed results separately by bands/modes and QSO list, containing his errors and errors of worked stations. Also confirmed Oblasts list for award "Russia" would be sent.

14.2 Any RDXC related questions should be sent to e-mail

15. RDXC judging is done with total computerized control followed by each QSO computerized analysis.

    16. Penalties are counted as tripled good QSO points.
  • QSO is penalized for the following:
    • incorrectly logged calls (Bad Call)
    • incorrectly logged exchange numbers
    • QSO is not present in the other station log (NIL)
  • QSO neither counted nor penalized for the following:
    • other station incorrectly logged entrant's call
    • other station incorrectly logged entrant's exchange number
    • QSO time in entrant's log and other station's log difference is more than 3 minutes (except systematic computer errors)
    • QSO bands or modes in entrant's log and other station's log differ.
    • dupe QSO which is not in the other station's log.

16.1 RDXC Contest Committee decisions are final.

RDXC Contest Committee invites all the radio amateurs from Russia and foreign countries to take part in 18 Russian DX Contest, which became one of the most popular contests in the world.

  1. List of Russian Regions with useful info.
  2. Trophy.
  3. How to prepare and send the RDXC Log.

Friday, March 18, 2011

pile up on 15 meter band : a sunny morning...

Pagi ini sekali lagi aku pile up, pada mula aku tak bercadang pun nak dxing pada pagi ni...tapi entah le..apabila melintas bilik radio aku, terus masuk ke dalam dan on. Mulanya pada band 20m, tapi apabila asyik calling dan tiada jawapan, aku beralih pula ke band-band lain. cadang nak ke 10m, tapi entah bagaimana aku terrr terrr masuk ke band 15m. Kedengaran pula band ini pada pagi ini begitu senyap sekali. Cuba pusing-pusing tombol...kedengaran stesen dari china, BN100 sedang cq dan signalnya...kuat sekali 599 plus 20db...macam duduk sebelah rumah aku. sedang galak. Maka..antenna ditune...rf power disetup...headphone dipasang...pen ditangan..kertas di atas meja..batang besi pun ketukkk....hasilnya...

9M2ZAK has 5514 contacts stored.
StationFlagsStart TimeBandMode RST s/r
9M2ZAK JA1ERB Japan 2011-03-19 02:0815mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JM1GAW Japan 2011-03-19 01:5815mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JA9ARC Japan 2011-03-19 01:5615mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JA1BOQ Japan 2011-03-19 01:5515mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JR6RLV Japan 2011-03-19 01:5415mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK BD2OB/7 China 2011-03-19 01:4715mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK NB7Q United States 2011-03-19 01:4315mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JQ1HIV Japan 2011-03-19 01:4115mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JL7CTR Japan 2011-03-19 01:4015mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JH8ITK Japan 2011-03-19 01:3915mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK BG5RSO China 2011-03-19 01:3615mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK KN6KI United States 2011-03-19 01:3515mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK NC6X United States 2011-03-19 01:3215mCW 559 599
9M2ZAK HR9/WQ7R Honduras 2011-03-19 01:3215mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK NM5M United States 2011-03-19 01:3015mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK N6DKP United States 2011-03-19 01:2715mCW 589 599
9M2ZAK AA7A United States 2011-03-19 01:2615mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JA3IEP Japan 2011-03-19 01:2415mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK W5IZ United States 2011-03-19 01:2115mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK N6ZS United States 2011-03-19 01:1815mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JF6CHY Japan 2011-03-19 01:1015mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK K6ZH United States 2011-03-19 01:0815mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK BK5BXQ China 2011-03-19 01:0715mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK N5MOA United States 2011-03-19 01:0315mCW 569 599
9M2ZAK NX1P United States 2011-03-19 01:0115mCW 579 599
9M2ZAK W7BEM United States 2011-03-19 00:5915mCW 569 599
9M2ZAK 7K1CPT Japan 2011-03-19 00:5715mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JR4PDP Japan 2011-03-19 00:5515mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JA5GCI Japan 2011-03-19 00:5315mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK K6IA United States 2011-03-19 00:5015mCW 559 599
9M2ZAK JA1BOQ Japan 2011-03-19 00:4615mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK ND8N United States 2011-03-19 00:4315mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK N6ND United States 2011-03-19 00:2815mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JP1FPY Japan 2011-03-19 00:2715mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JA1DKT Japan 2011-03-19 00:2515mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JR7NXM Japan 2011-03-19 00:2415mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JA3EEM Japan 2011-03-19 00:2315mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK W5TCX United States 2011-03-19 00:2015mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JA2KIO Japan 2011-03-19 00:1915mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK KP4DX Puerto Rico 2011-03-19 00:1815mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JA1CTV Japan 2011-03-19 00:1615mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JG1UKWX Japan 2011-03-19 00:1415mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JA4DZ Japan 2011-03-19 00:1215mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK 7L2WMG Japan 2011-03-19 00:1015mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JA7CDK Japan 2011-03-19 00:0915mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JA4EE Japan 2011-03-19 00:0815mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JF1XQL Japan 2011-03-19 00:0715mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK N7CW United States 2011-03-19 00:0415mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK WB9EGZ United States 2011-03-19 00:0015mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK PY2TIM Brazil 2011-03-18 23:5715mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK W0UA United States 2011-03-18 23:5615mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JS3KWG Japan 2011-03-18 23:5315mCW 559 599
9M2ZAK JA0DAI Japan 2011-03-18 23:5015mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JJ4ESI Japan 2011-03-18 23:4915mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK JA3WU Japan 2011-03-18 23:4615mCW 599 599

pagi ini aku dapat satu lagi dxcc, new dxcc from Puerto Rico, KP4DX . Aku kira stesen ini sebagai bonus buat aku pada pagi ini. Kalau ada kesempatan, insyaallah petang ini aku akan sambung lagi dxing di hujung minggu ini jikalau keadaan band menguntungkan.


Thank you very much fer check in, hpe we can work agn soon. GL n GDX. CUAGN SK.

see u in pile up

73, 9m2zak

Install M5Stick-Launcher for Lilygo T-Deck

 Step 1 : Pergi ke github ini, kemudian klik pada release yang terkini, ada sebelah kanan s...