Friday, November 2, 2018

Stations directly heard by 9M2ZAK-10 during October 2018

Bulan Oktober, station igate 9m2zak-10 berjaya mendapat beberapa packet daripada 3 satellite iaitu:

  1. Satellite Lapan-sat YB0X-1 sebanyak 35 packet
  2. Station Angkasa Antarabangsa ISS RS0ISS sebanyak 1 packet
  3. Satellite ParkinsonSAT, United States Naval Academy PSAT sebanyak 4 packet
Pemburuan terhadap satellite tempatan, iaitu uitmsat-1 yang dibangunkan oleh UITM masih dan sedang giat dijalankan. 73 Zaki.

Connect a GPS module to a Raspberry Pi 4

  To connect a GPS module with four wires (RST, TX, VCC, and GND) to a Raspberry Pi 4, follow these steps:  Materials Needed: 1. GPS module ...