Thursday, October 5, 2017

Yaesu FT-101ZD SSB Transceiver : General Description

The model FT-101/277 SSB Transceiver is a precision built, compact high performance transceiver of advanced design providing SSB (USB, LSB selectable), CW and AM modes of operation. The transceiver operates at an input of 260 watts SSB, 180 watts CW and 80 watts AM on all bands 160m to 10 meters. 

All circuits, except the transmitter driver and linear amplifier, are transistorized and composed of standard computer type plug-in modules, permiting easy maintenance.

The transceiver is self-contained, requiring only an antenna and an A.C mains for home, portable or mobile operation. The transceiver may be operated from 100/110/117/200/234 volts AC when appropriately wired but is normally supplied for 117 volt AC and 12 volt DC operation. The two-way solid state power supply is an integral part of the unit. Two power cords are provided with the transceiver. Selection of AC or DC power source is automatically made when the proper line cord plug is inserted.

For mobile operation a separate switch is provided on the front panel to turn off the tube heaters while in the receive mode. In this mode the transceiver draws only 0.5 amp. less than my desktop lamp.

All accessories, such as VOX, break-in CW with side-tone, 25 and 100 KHz calibrators, noise blanker, 10mhz WWV are built-in. In addition, dual VFO adaptor, crystal control adapter, speaker and clarifier are integral parts of the unit. Provision is made for the installation of 600 Hz crystal filter for the expert CW-DX operator. The CW filter is selected automatically when the transceiver mode switch is placed in the CW position.

The entire transceiver weight approximately 15 kg, 13 1/2 inci wide, 6 inci high. Construction is of heavy-gauge steel which provides an extremely rugged package, virtually immune to the effects of vibration and shock.

The SP 101P/277P, combination phone patch and external speaker is a valuable optional accessory for base operation. The unit feature an elliptical type speaker for high quality voice reproduction.

Specifications (simple from me):
  1. Frequency Range : 1.8 to 30 mhz amateur bands (16m thru 10m), 
  2. Type of Emission : USB or LSB (selectable), CW and FM/AM
  3. Power Input : SSB 260 Watts PEP, CW 180 Watts 50% duty cycle, AM 80 Watts
  4. Audio output : 3 Watts
  5. Weight : 15 kg

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