Monday, June 19, 2017

All Asian Dx 2017 CW : Report


Callsign              : 9M2ZAK
Country              : West Malaysia
Locator              : OJ11TP
Sunrise               : UTC 23:00
Sunset                : UTC 11:13
Contest              : AA-CW
Category            : Single Operator 20M Low CW
Operator            : 9M2ZAK
Start Date          : 17 Jun 2017 UTC 00:01
End Date            : 18 Jun 2017 UTC 19:48
Operating Time  : 17:07 hrs
QSOs                  : 808
Countries           : 57
Claimed Score    : 91656 pts
Software            : N1MM ver 14.2.0
Prefixes             : 382
Club                  : Siam Dx Group


Countries ( Negara yang dihubungi)
57 negara berjaya dihubungi, antara negara-negara tersebut ialah :

  • 1 AS 3W Vietnam
  • 2 AS 4J Azerbaijan
  • 3 AS 4X Israel
  • 4 AS 5B Cyprus
  • 5 EU 9A Croatia
  • 6 AS A4 Oman
  • 7 AS BV Taiwan
  • 8 AS BY China
  • 9 EU DL Fed. Rep. of Germany
  • 10 OC DU Philippines
  • 11 EU E7 Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • 12 EU EA Spain
  • 13 AF EA8 Canary Islands
  • 14 EU EI Ireland
  • 15 EU ES Estonia
  • 16 EU EU Belarus
  • 17 AS EX Kyrgyzstan
  • 18 EU F France
  • 19 EU G England
  • 20 EU HA Hungary
  • 21 EU HB Switzerland
  • 22 AS HS Thailand
  • 23 EU I Italy
  • 24 EU *IT9 Sicily
  • 25 AF J2 Djibouti
  • 26 AS JA Japan
  • 27 AS JT Mongolia
  • 28 NA K United States
  • 29 OC KH6 Hawaii
  • 30 EU LA Norway
  • 31 EU LY Lithuania
  • 32 EU LZ Bulgaria
  • 33 EU OE Austria
  • 34 EU OH Finland
  • 35 EU OH0 Aland Islands
  • 36 EU OK Czech Republic
  • 37 EU OM Slovak Republic
  • 38 EU ON Belgium 10440
  • 39 EU PA Netherlands
  • 40 EU S5 Slovenia 9730
  • 41 EU SM Sweden 9750
  • 42 EU SP Poland 9470
  • 43 EU SV Greece 9220
  • 44 EU SV9 Crete 8830
  • 45 EU UA European Russia
  • 46 EU UA2 Kaliningrad
  • 47 AS UA9 Asiatic Russia
  • 48 AS UN Kazakhstan
  • 49 EU UR Ukraine
  • 50 NA VE Canada
  • 51 OC VK Australia
  • 52 AS VR Hong Kong
  • 53 AS VU India
  • 54 OC YB Indonesia
  • 55 EU YL Latvia
  • 56 EU YO Romania
  • 57 EU YU Serbia

  • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    QSO per jam

    Pada hari pertama, aktiviti contest berkurang daripada hari kedua. Hari kedua, UTC 14:00 hingga UTC 19:00 aktiviti rancak. Pada waktu tersebut, saya mendapat pile-up daripada eropah. Eropah membuka awal, iaitu sekitar jam 10 malam dan semakin menurun hinggalah tutup terus pada pukul 4 pagi waktu local. Jika diperhatikan... Eropah amat galak sekitar jam 10.00 malam hingga 2 pagi local. Sesuatu perlu dilakukan untuk mencuri kesempatan ini.


    Benua eropah dan benua asia masing-masing mencatatkan bacaan QSO yang tinggi, manakala benua africa hanya 1 qso sahaja. Sebanyak 5 benua berjaya kawan hubungi, iaitu Benua Asia-North America-Africa-Eropah-Oceania.

    Benua Amerika Utara
    NA  44 stations

    Benua Eropah
    Benua Eropah 349 station

    Benua Africa
    Benua Africa 4 station

    Benua Asia
    Benua Asia 384 station

    Oceania 16 station

    CQ Frequency

    12 kali terpaksa pindah kerana dipijak oleh station besar. Inilah risiko yang perlu dihadapi oleh station kecil apabila keadaan band menjadi sesak, terutama pada waktu peak, pada masa tersebut, undang-undang rimba digunapakai, iaitu siapa kuat-dialah raja.
    Beam Heading

    Oleh kerana dalam contest ini, kita yang diburu. Maka aktiviti rotator menjadi sangat rendah. Saya hanya beam ke arah 30 darjah untuk mencari station disebelah lautan Pasifik dan 320 darjah untuk mencari eropah. Kalau contest lain...mungkin akan banyak aktiviti rotator.

    DX Cluster Spot

    25 kali callsign 9m2zak di-spot dalam website, kebanyakkannya dari negara eropah. Apa-apa pun, saya mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kerana spot kawan di cluster. Sebenarnya ianya sedikit sebanyak membantu kita semasa aktiviti contest berlangsung, tetapi ingat...jangan self-spotting sudahlah. Nanti kita akan disingkirkan.

    Negara yang paling banyak QSO adalah Jepun, iaitu 297 QSOs manakala yang kedua banyak dikuasai oleh Eropah Russia iaitu 74, Ketiga jatuh kepada United State 44 dan ke-4 ialah Germany 42 dan selebihnya adalah dari 57 buah negara serata dunia.

    Dibawah ini adalah senarai video kawan in-action yang dirakam dari Brunei dan Sabah.

    73 de Zaki 9M2ZAK

    Thursday, June 15, 2017

    YB0X-1 aprs packets : 15 June 2017

    2017-06-15T09:39:45.658 RFtoIS:[Kulai Ground Station]IGated YB0X-1>APOT21,SGATE,qAR,9M2ZAK-6:> -1C HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 10th  LAPAN-TUBSAT

    2017-06-15T11:25:00.327 RFtoIS:[Kulai Ground Station]IGated YB0X-1>APOT21,SGATE,qAR,9M2ZAK-6:>  1C HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 10th  LAPAN-TUBSAT

    2017-06-15T11:27:11.898 RFtoIS:[Kulai Ground Station]IGated YB0X-1>APOT21,SGATE,qAR,9M2ZAK-6:>  2C HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 10th  LAPAN-TUBSAT

    Wednesday, June 14, 2017

    YB0X-1 aprs packet : 15 June 2017 (0058 - 0059 UTC) - (0241 - 0242 UTC)

    2017-06-15T00:58:26.734 RFtoIS:[Kulai Ground Station]IGated YB0X-1>APOT21,SGATE,qAR,9M2ZAK-6:> -5C HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 10th  LAPAN-TUBSAT

    2017-06-15T00:59:54.409 RFtoIS:[Kulai Ground Station]IGated YB0X-1>APOT21,SGATE,qAR,9M2ZAK-6:> -5C HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 10th  LAPAN-TUBSAT

    2017-06-15T02:41:29.838 RFtoIS:[Kulai Ground Station]IGated YB0X-1>APOT21,SGATE,qAR,9M2ZAK-6:> -3C HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 10th  LAPAN-TUBSAT

    2017-06-15T02:42:57.577 RFtoIS:[Kulai Ground Station]IGated YB0X-1>APOT21,SGATE,qAR,9M2ZAK-6:> -3C HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 10th  LAPAN-TUBSAT

    Pagi ini menerima 4 lagi aprs packet daripada YB0X-1. Untuk lintasan yang seterusnya pada pukul 0935 UTC dan 11.20 UTC. Setup masih sama dengan yang asal, tiada perubahan.

    Menerima packet APRS daripada Lapan-Sat (IO-86)

    Petang tadi, menerima 2 packet aprs dari YB0X-1 yang memancar dari satellite Lapan-Sat IO-86 semasa lintasan kedua. Packet ini diterima tanpa aktifkan DDE, jadi tiada Doppler Effect. Sengaja disetkan sebegini dengan tujuan untuk melihat dan belajar serta memahami kesan doppler. Untuk itu, sebagai rekod dan rujukan masa depan, ianya divideokan segala aktiviti satellite tersebut. 

    Tuesday, June 13, 2017

    Lapan-A2 - IO-86 Satellite :Bersalaman dengan YB0X-1 APRS Digipeater

    YB0X-1 Raw Data

    2017-06-14 02:17:05: YB0X-1>APOT21,SGATE,qAR,9M2ZAK-6:> -3C HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 10th LAPAN-TUBSAT
    2017-06-14 02:18:32: YB0X-1>APOT21,SGATE,qAR,YE2YE-13:> -3C HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 10th LAPAN-TUBSAT
    2017-06-14 02:19:16: YB0X-1>APOT21,SGATE,qAR,YE2YE-13:> -3C HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 10th LAPAN-TUBSAT
    2017-06-14 02:20:00: YB0X-1>APOT21,SGATE,qAR,YB6DE-13:> -3C HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 10th LAPAN-TUBSAT
    2017-06-14 02:20:44: YB0X-1>APOT21,SGATE,qAR,E29TXA-1:> -3C HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 10th LAPAN-TUBSAT
    2017-06-14 02:21:28: YB0X-1>APOT21,SGATE,qAR,E29TXA-1:> -3C HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 10th LAPAN-TUBSAT
    2017-06-14 02:22:12: YB0X-1>APOT21,SGATE,qAR,E29TXA-1:> -3C HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 10th LAPAN-TUBSAT
    2017-06-14 02:22:55: YB0X-1>APOT21,SGATE,qAR,HS0BBD:> -3C HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 10th LAPAN-TUBSAT
    2017-06-14 02:23:39: YB0X-1>APOT21,SGATE,qAR,VK6HV-10:> -3C HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 10th LAPAN-TUBSAT
    2017-06-14 02:24:23: YB0X-1>APOT21,SGATE,qAR,VK6HV-10:> -3C HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 10th LAPAN-TUBSAT
    2017-06-14 02:25:07: YB0X-1>APOT21,SGATE,qAR,HS0BBD:> -3C HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 10th LAPAN-TUBSAT
    2017-06-14 02:28:02: YB0X-1>APOT21,SGATE,qAR,YE2YE-13:> -3C HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 10th LAPAN-TUBSAT
    LAPAN-A2/ORARI satellite

    Pagi tadi, kawan berjaya bersalaman dengan satellite dari Indonesia, iaitu Lapan-A2 ( IO-86). Percubaan ini sebenarnya adalah satu eksperimen bagi menguji antenna QFH.  Jadi eksperimen ini akan diteruskan lagi pada satelite yang lain seperti ISS dan PCSAT. Pemburuan burung besi akan diteruskan...selamat berpuasa, Zaki 73.

    Monday, June 12, 2017

    APRSIS32 : LAPAN-A2, ISS AND PCSAT Satellite Operation setup

    Step one 
    Set Configure > General > Add Filter to b/RS0ISS*/W3ADO-1/ARISS/YB0X-1/FAST1 d/RS0ISS*/W3ADO-1/ARISS/YB0X-1/FAST1  

    Step two
    In Configure > Ports > APRS-IS, uncheck Telemetry, Beacon, and Bulletin/Obj

    Step three
    In Configure > Ports > uncheck Telemetry, Bulletin/Obj, IS to RF and Me not 3rd.

    Step four
    change your Configure > Beacon > Path depending on the Satellite you are attempting to use:
    1. For ISS, Beacon Path is ARISS,SGATE or RS0ISS-4,SGATE
    2. For PCSAT (NO-44), Beacon Path is ARISS,SGATE or W3ADO-1,SGATE
    3. For LAPAN-A2 (IO-86), Beacon Path is YB0X-1,SGATE
    If ISS is close by, you can try the “double sat hopping”, by using the following Path “YBSAT,ARISS,SGATE”.

    Kenwood TS-2000 : RX ISS APRS Setup with UISS. Step by step.

    Please follow this instruction below.
    1. Connect a lead from TS-2000 headphone socket to pc microphone-in socket.
    2. Tune to 145.825 FM on main radio screen and fully open the squelch.
    3. Run UISS and setup choose UZ7HO Soundmodem as packet engine then point the directory where it is located and tick both boxes for Auto Run and Auto Close.
    4. select LAN Setup and tick Enable, Host/IP, AGW LAN Port 8000, AGW RX Radioport 1 and same for TX radio port.
    5. Close and reload the UISS to run-up Sound modem.
    6. Choose Settings, Devices, Output and Imput device and PTT Port and fill in the correct details.
    7. Choose Modem settings and select Modem type ch.A VHF AX.25 1200bd and same again for Modem type ch.B.
    8. From the top menu put 1700 for both Ch A and Ch B + DCD slider nearly fully to the left and tick box to Hold pointers.
    9. Its done and happy decoding.

    Satellite Operations : Setup and pairing the TH-D74 with APRSIS32 mapping/tracking for i-gate

    Setup and pairing the TH-D74 with APRSIS32 mapping/tracking for i-gate via bluetooth APRS ISS & PSAT (NO-84) Satellite Operations.
    Menu=400 Built-in GPS=on
    Menu=401 My Postion=GPS
    Menu=403 Operating Mode=normal
    Menu=404 Battery Saver=off
    Menu=405 PC Output=on
    Menu=510  Method=manual
    Menu=580 PC Output=Raw Packets  
    Menu=581 Network=APRS [APk004]
    Menu=930 Bluetooth=on
    Menu=981 PC Output (GPS)=Bluetooth
    Menu=982 PC Output (APRS)=Bluetooth
    Menu=983 Kiss=Bluetooth
    Bluetooth symbol should be showing idle (not illuminated) in top of TH-D74 screen
    Turn on GPS so that it is flashing top left of screen to enable aprs beacon manually with
    push button-6
    Install Kenwood TH-D74A/E Virtual Com Port Driver from
    With Bluetooth enabled on radio and pc: Pair TH-D74 with Windows Bluetooth
    APRSIS32  (Dev Version 2016/08/24 14:36) Recognize D74 (need to change APRSIS32.XML file to download and run new development version to work)
    (using Notepad edit this statement in APRSIS32.XML file   0 (change 0 to 1 to make the change)
    From APRSIS32 menu/About download and restart to update.
    Configure/Ports/New Port
    Port Type=Bluetooth/Device=TH-D74
    Untick box IS to RF
    Do not tick box for GPS/NIMEA 
    APRSIS32/Menu/Enables/Ports make sure TH-D74 is ticked
    APRSIS32/Menu/Enables and turn off Beaconing 
    When starting APRSIS32 TH-D74 radio screen should show 'Connected Bluetooth Device' for short period with the Bluetooth symbol and APRS 12 continuously on
    indicating the communication over the serial port. When exiting APRSIS32 the Bluetooth symbol and APRS 12 indicator should go off. 
    Note:When updating Kenwood's TH-D74 firmware bluetooth will no longer work and will need to be paired with pc again even though it says it is.

    Install M5Stick-Launcher for Lilygo T-Deck

     Step 1 : Pergi ke github ini, kemudian klik pada release yang terkini, ada sebelah kanan s...