Friday, May 11, 2012

The 56-th CQ-M International DX Contest - 2012

9m2zak will QRV on this contest as Single operator all bands CW ( SOAB CW). 

The Union of Radioamateurs of Russia ("Soyuz Radiolyubitelei Rossii") has the honour to invite all radio amateurs from around the world to participate in the 56th annual CQ-M ("CQ-Mir", "Peace to the World") International DX Contest – in May, 2012. The primary goals of the CQ-M Contest are to unite people in peaceful coexistence, foster mutual understanding, and engage in sportsmanship and cooperation through amateur radio.

The CQ-M contest is held every year on the second full weekend of May.
In 2012 the contest commences 12th May at 12.00 UTC and ends 13th May at 11.59 UTC. Period of operation – 24 hours. 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10m bands may be used.  Modes: CW and SSB.
A station may be worked twice on each band: once on CW and once on SSB.

 In each sub-category of the following categories, competition is among all participants of that sub-category (World standing), within each continent (Continental standing), and within each country and territory of the world as defined by the "P-150-C" award country list (Country standing).
Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any one time for all categories (except MOST, see below).

2.1. SOSB: Single operator – Single band:
SOSB CW: CW only.
SOSB MIX: Mixed mode (CW and SSB).

2.2. SOAB: Single operator – All bands:
SOAB CW: CW only.
SOAB CW: SSB only.
SOAB MIX: Mixed mode (CW and SSB).
SOAB QRP: QRP, output power limit is 5 watts PEP.
SOAB CW LP: CW only – Low power, output power limit is 100 watts PEP.
SOAB SSB LP: SSB only – Low power, output power limit is 100 watts PEP.
SOAB MIX LP: Mixed mode (CW and SSB) – Low power, output power limit is 100 watts PEP.

 MOST: Multi operator – Single transmitter, All bands, Mixed mode (CW and SSB):
– participants in this category must observe the "10-minute rule" for band changes; the start of operation on a new band is determined by the time of the first contact on that band.
– only one transmitted signal is permitted at any one time; two simultaneous signals are allowed on two different bands only when the station worked on the second band gives multiplier credit. That second band for multiplier credit may be changed only after 10 minutes from the moment of the first contact made on that band. Contacts made on that second band which give no multiplier credit (i.e. made by mistake), must be included in the log; there is no penalty for these contacts; but these contacts must be included in the log for the benefit of the other station.

2.4. SWL: Short-wave listeners, All bands, Mixed mode (CW and SSB).

2.5. Veteran (for CIS countries only): World War II veteran, All bands, Mixed mode (CW and SSB).
 Exchange of RS or RST, and QSO serial number (starting from 001) is required for all contacts.

4.1. Participants from the Russian Federation:
– QSO with the same federal district of Russia – 1 point;
– QSO with another federal district of Russia – 2 points;
– QSO with another country of Europe or Asia – 2 points;
– QSO with another country of North America, South America, Africa, Oceania, Antarctica – 3 points;
– QSO with any maritime mobile station ("/MM") – 3 points.

4.2. Participants from other countries of the World:
– countries of Europe and Asia: any QSO with Russian Federation – 2 points;
– countries of North America, South America, Africa, Oceania, Antarctica: any QSO with Russian Federation – 3 points;
– QSO with own "P-150-C" country – 1 point;
– QSO with another "P-150-C" country (except Russia) on the same continent – 2 points;
– QSO with another "P-150-C" continent (except QSOs with Russia) – 3 points;
– QSO with any "/MM" station – 3 points.
The "P-150-C" award country list can be found here:

 4.3. Participants of SWL category:
– complete logging of the first station and only the callsign of the second station ("single-side SWL") – 1 point for that first station;
– complete logging of both sides of a QSO – 3 points.
The same callsign may be logged only once on a band for QSO points credit. In single-side SWL, that second callsign may be logged no more than 10 times on a band.

 Each country in the "P-150-C" award country list counts as a multiplier only once on each band. "/MM" stations do not count as multipliers. SWLs have no multipliers. The "P-150-C" award country list can be found here:

 The final score is the sum of QSO points on all bands, multiplied by the sum of multipliers on all bands.

 7.1. Plaques and certificates will be awarded to the world's top scoring stations in each sub-category of SOAB and MOST. Ten or more stations must be in the final listing before an award will be made for that sub-category.
7.2. Medals and certificates will be awarded to the world's top scoring stations in every sub-category of SOSB. Five or more stations must be in the final listing before an award will be made for that sub-category.
7.3. Medals will be awarded to each participant in the Veteran category.
7.4. Certificates will be awarded to:
– world's 2-5 positions in each sub-category of SOAB and MOST;
– world's top three in the SWL category;
– continental's top three in each sub-category of SOSB, SOAB and MOST;
– each country's winner in each sub-category of SOAB and MOST following the "P-150-C" award country list.
A minimum of fifty QSOs must be made for a certificate to be awarded.
7.5. In 2012, all the awards are donated by contest sponsors.

 9.1. Computer log.
Please send Cabrillo log by e-mail:
– name you log "CALL.CBR", where "CALL" is your callsign;
– attach single log file to one e-mail;
– put your callsign and category in the e-mail's subject line, e.g. RA3AA SOAB CW LP;
– please put your comments and describe your equipment in the body of the e-mail;
– a confirmation will be sent in two weeks; if no confirmation received, please try to send your log again or send a query to ua0agi(at)
– you may send your log on 3.5" computer disc, CD or DVD.

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 Step 1 : Pergi ke github ini, kemudian klik pada release yang terkini, ada sebelah kanan s...