Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Worked with OE5OHO

Malam tadi selepas selesai dxing di 20 meter band, aku sengaja gatal tangan pusing-pusing tombol ke 40 m band. Cantik juga band ni. kedengaran satu stesen dari Austria iaitu oe5oho sedang dxing kat sini. Signal cantik macam bunga.
Hmm...tune antenna G5RV, dan cuba untuk masuk dia punya dxing...agak sukar sungguh untuk masuk. Cuba punya cuba akhirnya berjaya, bagaimana berjaya...sila layan video ini...

Thank You Oliver kerna sabar melayan aku...hehe

73, 9m2zak


OE5OHO Oliver said...

Hello from Austria!

It was interesting to hear my signal at your QTH. I had some QRN and from time to time some QRM (there's always someone tuning his antenna, amplifier etc. in EU ;-).

The interesting part is that I often could hear 9M2 but never got the suffix right. So perhaps next time try to send your suffix more often?
Band conditions have been fair but unfortunately there's been QRN.

I am very glad that we finally managed to make the contact! You showed great stamina and even bigger dedication. Very excellent!!


You deserve my QSL truly - that's why I will send it to you direct.

Hope to meet you again,
73 de Oliver OE5OHO

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