Sunday, September 27, 2009

Modification Midland Cb Ptt to Yaesu FT 77 HF rig

After a couple month trying to find 8 pin conector, I finally get it from the local electronic store...hmm before this i try to hit ebay but the price is unreasonable for this stuff... i get it from local store just $2.90. Not bad isn it!!

First, i must get the schematic....after an hours on the google...i got this draw...

second, the work begin...

thanks god, its ok and can used it.....

the 8 pin is complete soldering with 3 wire from midland, Gnd, Mic and PTT. White for Ptt, Red for Mic, Black for Gnd.
Must be patience while do soldering because the part is to small to handle it.

Done, good job zaki!! lets celebrate with ketupat and rendang...hehe. Before this, i used this rig just for beacon monitoring and listening on the band. Same like hf scanner isn it...hehe
i plan to used it on 20 meter band and 40 meter band because i only have that kind antenna hehe....for 10 meter band i used icom 718 with my 4 element yagi...

see u down the log...

De 9W2ZAK 73

Install M5Stick-Launcher for Lilygo T-Deck

 Step 1 : Pergi ke github ini, kemudian klik pada release yang terkini, ada sebelah kanan s...