Sunday, April 28, 2019

Motorola MTP850s programing procedure

Motorola MTP 850s
1. Install and run the CPS
2. Remove battery from the terminal
3. Put back the battery to the terminal
4. Connect the programming cable to the bottom of the terminal
5. Keep pressed keys [1] +[9] and power on (At this point the terminal's 
    display remains off)
6. Connect the USB side of the programming cable to your PC
7. Windows PC recognizes and installs terminal and terminal's display after
     few seconds starts to flash
8. Then you go back to the CPS and you do what you want to do

Motorola MTP850s

kredit to Kondoros

Install M5Stick-Launcher for Lilygo T-Deck

 Step 1 : Pergi ke github ini, kemudian klik pada release yang terkini, ada sebelah kanan s...