Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hams across the world

Where are the hams and how many are around in this big world?....Over 3 millions populate the amateur bands, although not all are equally active... as of 2010, IARU counted 195 different countries with a national radio society. The growing countries of the Pacific Rim have substantial amateur populations. Europe, Africa, and Russia average total 442,193.
The Americas total 696 041 ( updated Dec 2010). Japan total 489 256 (updated Dec 2009), German total 81150 (updated Dec 2009, UK total 67485 (updated Mac 2009), Spain total 33298 (updated 2008) and Australia 15432 (updated Dec 2009).
How about Malaysia, our 1 Malaysia....Malaysia Hams total nearly 4095 (updated 2009)....and still growing...Amateur numbers are showing moderate growth in North America and strong growth in Asia and Europe...

USA = 696 041, update Dec 2010
Japan = 489 256, update Dec 2009
German = 81 150, update Dec 2009
United Kingdom = 67 485, update Mac 2009
Spain = 33298, update Dec 2008
Australia = 15432, update Dec 2009

so, tune the bands on a busy weekend and you will see what i mean! 73, 9m2zak

Install M5Stick-Launcher for Lilygo T-Deck

 Step 1 : Pergi ke github ini,   https://github.com/bmorcelli/M5Stick-Launcher/ kemudian klik pada release yang terkini, ada sebelah kanan s...