Saturday, February 19, 2011

ARRL DX CW Contest

9m2zak will be active from JOHOR in ARRL DX CW Contest 19-20 February 2011.

Category :
Single Operator Low Power
The 2011 ARRL DX CW Contest begins at 0000z 19 February and ends at 2400z on 20 February.
1. Object:

1.1. W/VE amateurs work as many amateur stations in as many DXCC countries of the world as possible on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meter bands.

1.2. Foreign amateurs (also including KH6, KL7, CY9, and CYØ) work as many W/VE stations in as many of the 48 contiguous states and provinces as possible.

2. Date and Contest Period:

2.1. CW: Third full weekend in February (February 19-20, 2011).

2.2. Phone: First full weekend in March (March 5-6, 2011).

2.3. Contest Period: 48 hours each mode (separate contests). Starts 0000 UTC Saturday; ends 2400 UTC Sunday.

3. Entry Categories:

3.1. Single Operator:

3.1.1. All Band: QRP. Low Power. High Power.

3.1 2. Single Band A participant may submit only one single band entry. If contacts are made on other bands, the log file must clearly be marked as Single Band in the header of the Cabrillo file. The same callsign may not be used by a different operator(s) to generate additional single band entries. Single-band entries are NOT sub-divided by power; all single-band entries compete together, regardless of power output.

3.2. Single Operator Assisted.

3.2.1. High Power 150 to 1500 watts)

3.2.2. Low Power (150 watts or less)

3.3. Multioperator:

3.3.1. Single Transmitter. High Power (150 to 1500 watts). Low Power (150 watts or less).

3.3.2. Two Transmitter.

3.3.3. Multi-transmitter.

4: Contest Exchange:

4.1. W/VE stations in the 48 contiguous United States and Canada (except in the islands of St Paul and Sable) send signal report and state or province.

4.2. DX stations send signal report and power (number indicating approximate transmitter output power).

5. Scoring:

5.1. QSO Points - W/VE stations count three points per DX QSO. DX stations count three points per W/VE QSO.

5.2. Multiplier

5.2.1. W/VE stations: Sum of DXCC entities (except US and Canada) worked per band.

5.2.2. DX stations: Sum of US states (except KH6/KL7), District of Columbia (DC), and Canadian provinces/territories: NB (VE1, 9), NS (VE1), QC (VE2), ON (VE3), MB (VE4), SK (VE5), AB (VE6), BC (VE7), NWT (VE8), NF (VO1), LB (VO2), NU (VYØ), YT (VY1), PEI (VY2) worked per band (maximum of 63 per band).

5.3. Final Score: QSO points X multipliers = final score.

6. Miscellaneous:

6.1. Your call sign must indicate your DXCC station location (KH6XYZ/W1 in Maine, KG4/W1INF at Guantanamo Bay, etc).

6.2. The same station may be worked only once per band: no cross-mode or repeater contacts.

6.3. Aeronautical and maritime mobile stations outside the US and Canada may be worked by W/VE stations for QSO credit only.

6.4. For Club Competition, DXpedition scores may be included only in the Medium and Unlimited club totals.

6.5. Participants are reminded they should be aware of the ARRL Band Plans.

7. Submission:

7.1. Entries for the CW competition must be emailed or postmarked by 2359 UTC March 21, 2011.

7.2. Entries for the Phone competition must be emailed or postmarked by 2359 UTC April 4, 2011.

7.3. Electronic entries for the CW competition must be emailed to

7.4. Electronic entries for the Phone competition must be emailed to

7.5. Submissions that are created electronically must be in the Cabrillo file format and must include the log file.

7.5.1. Paper copies of electronic logs are not an acceptable substitute for the electronic Cabrillo format file. Paper logs that are entered into an electronic medium after the contest are considered electronic logs.

7.6. Hand-written paper entries or diskettes should be marked on the envelope as either DX Phone or DX CW entries and mailed to: ARRL, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111.

7.6.1. Entries for the CW and Phone portions of the competition are considered separate contests and must be submitted in separate emails or envelopes to the appropriate contest address.

7.7. Submissions of Cabrillo files that are manually created (not created automatically by contest logging software) may be made using the web applet at

7.8. Contest forms and rules may be requested from the ARRL by sending an SASE with 2 units of postage.

8. Awards:

8.1. Plaques. Plaques (if sponsored) will be awarded in the following categories for both the CW and Phone contests.

8.1.1. Top W/VE scorer in each entry category; single operator-all band-QRP, single operator-all band-low power, single operator-all band-high power, single operator-single band (160-10 Meters), single operator assisted, multi-operator-single transmitter, multi-operator-two transmitter, multi-operator-multi-transmitter.

8.1.2. Top scorer in the single operator-all band category worldwide and on each continent. In addition, worldwide leaders in the single operator-all band-QRP, single operator-all band-low power, single operator-single band, single-operator assisted, multioperator-single transmitter, multi-operator-two transmitter and multioperator multi-transmitter categories will receive plaques.

8.1.3. Additional special plaques will be awarded as sponsored.

8.2. Certificates. Certificates will be awarded to:

8.2.1. Top single operator-all band entries (QRP, low power, and high power) from each DXCC entity and ARRL/RAC Section.

8.2.2. Top single-band entries in each ARRL/RAC section and each DXCC entity.

8.2.3. Top single operator assisted entries in each ARRL/RAC section and each DXCC entity.

8.2.4. Top multi-operator entries (single, two and multi-transmitter) in each DXCC entity, US call area and in Canada.

8.2.5. DX entrants making more than 500 QSOs on either mode will receive certificates.

8.2.6. Additional certificates will be awarded as appropriate.

9. Other:

9.1. See "General Rules for All ARRL Contests" and "General Rules for ARRL Contests on bands below 30 MHz (HF)"

9.2. For information, contact or by phone (860) 594-0232.

2011 ARRL International DX Pins

The ARRL Contest Branch is again offering pins for the 2011 International DX Contest. The sharp four-color design will prominently display the year 2011. To earn the International DX Contest pin, all you need to do is complete 100 QSOs in either the CW or Phone contest weekends. There are not separate pins for each mode. You may contact the same station on different bands. The cost is $7 (US) in the US, its possessions and Canada, and $10 for others (postage included). Your pins will be shipped once all logs for the contest have been processed and verified by the log checking team for publication in QST. To purchase your pin, send a copy of the first page of your Cabrillo log file along with your payment to: DX Contest Pins, ARRL, 225 Main St, Newington CT 06111. Pins are only guaranteed for orders received by April 4, 2011.

see u down the logs... 9m2zak

Monday, February 14, 2011

My 10 meter band report : 15 Feb 2011

Pagi tadi seawal jam 8.30 pagi kedengaran alarm cluster aku berbunyi, 9w2esm on 10m....kemudian kedengaran pula 9m6ybg on 10m...Wah!! band 10 m open pagi ni. Lantas aku pun buka radio aku dan terbukti band 10m open. signal noise begitu senyap sekali...
pusing-pusing tombol...jumpa 9m6ybg sedang sibuk melayan pile-up...dia pile-up kat 10m..hebat tu...manakala jumpa pulak 9w2esm...pun sama...pile - up kat 10m..hebat jugak... hmm...biarlah mereka melayan pile-up masing-masing...saja tak nak kacau.. lagipun pagi ini mode aku untuk calling cq agak kurang sikit....jadi aku hanya plan untuk check in sahaja mana-mana stesen yang aku jumpa di 10m ini...tidak kiralah di apa-apa mode...kedengaran stesen-stesen dari Amerika utara dan Amerika selatan dan juga beberapa stesen dari China serta Taiwan...Stesen dari Jepun tak kedengaran pulak..Hmm pelik dan boleh dibuat kesimpulan...

Kesimpulannya....jika kita mendengar signal dari Brazil, maka signal dari Japan akan tidak kedengaran...Manakala jika jika kedengaran signal dari Taiwan, Maka signal dari Amerika Utara pula akan kedengaran, dan jika kita kedengaran signal dari India, maka Signal dari Eropah pula akan kedengaran...banyaknya signal..nak dengar ini...hmm...

this is my report,
9M2ZAK has 4983 contacts stored.
StationStart TimeBandModeRST s/r
9M2ZAK BA7IO 2011-02-15 01:2912mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK K6NA 2011-02-15 01:1210mCW 579 599
9M2ZAK K6LRN 2011-02-15 01:1110mCW 579 599
9M2ZAK KH6CW 2011-02-15 01:0910mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK PY5EW 2011-02-15 01:0810mCW 559 599
9M2ZAK PY2SEX 2011-02-15 01:0210mCW 599 599
9M2ZAK BX5AA 2011-02-15 00:5210mSSB 59 59
9M2ZAK BM100 2011-02-15 00:4910mSSB 59 59

Malam ini insyaallah jika tiada apa - apa tugasan, aku akan ke udara sekitar jam 11 malam di mana-mana band yang open...

Jumpa dan jumpa lagi..

de 9m2zak

Monday, February 7, 2011

5 watt qrp qso...

Hari ini amat bermakna sekali bagi aku. Ini adalah kerana setelah seharian bergelumang dengan pen dan kertas, aku melepaskan semua tekanan itu di cw key besi aku. Apa yang menariknya, kali ini aku bekerja hanya dengan 5 watt sahaja.

Pada mulanya, aku dengar satu stesen dari Thailand, E21ejc sedang cq di 7004, kedengaran signalnya begitu cantik sekali...tiada qrm...tidak over modulate...solid....tidak splatter ke frekunsi sebelah...hanya terbabas sekitar 2-3 khz sahaja. Manakala kalau stesen-stesen yang lain sampai terbabas sehingga 10-15 khz. Confirm...dia sedang qrp...tapi berapa watt aku pun tak pasti...

Pada malam tadi, band 40m membuka dengan cantik sekali, tak tahulah kalau tempat lain sebab di qth aku signal noise sekitar s0-s1...cantik bukan? Jadi tak hairanlah kalau rakan kita dari negara gajah ini boleh qrp. Jadi aku pun hulur dengan 5 watt... terus dia reply...secara automatik dia reply...ini bermakna dia dapat copy signal aku dengan baik. Dibawah ini sedikit qso yang dicatit dari buku cw qso book aku...

9m2zak cw qso

9m2zak de e21ejc ge om ur rst 5nn 599 bk / rrr ge om tu fer rpt ur rst 5nn 599 bk rr ok cpy all om, op op kob kob qth qth bangkok bangkok kn / rr tu dr kob, op op zaki zaki qth johor johor rr my pwr 5 watt 5 watt hw cpy? / rr fb cpy fb cpy dr kob my pwr 5 wtt 5wtt bk rr tu fb info dr zaki my ant pro67-c 7 el trap beam hw?/rr tu dr kob my ant 6 ele tribander yagi bk bk bk rrr tu dr zaki fer fb qso on 40m hpe to cuagn = 9m2zak de e21ejc 73 gl gdx tusk e e / rr e21ejc de 9m2zak 73 gl tusk e e

Kepuasan jelas terpancar dari cahaya muka aku ni..hehe...tersenyum sendiri aku malam tadi...qrp...sebenarnya malam tadi adalah stesen qrp pertama aku pada tahun 2011 ini. Itu yang membuatkan aku teruja sangat tu...thank you vy much dr Kob E21EJC....
ok jumpa dan jumpa lagi...73 de 9m2zak

Thursday, February 3, 2011


9m2zak skcc setup

Straight Key Century Club, sebuah kelab yang memperjuangkan penggunaan cw key. Dimana semua ahlinya menggunakan straight key untuk berhubung. Boleh dikatakan masih lagi menggunakan cara tradisional...tapi jika difikir-fikirkan baik juga mereka menubuhkan kelab ini.Ini adalah kerana nanti straight key ini akan hilang di telan zaman atau dilupakan kerana kemunculan Lambic yang semakin popular penggunaannya. Memang tidak dapat dinafikan lagi bahawa kelajuannya tidak setanding paddle key, tapi ingat....tanpa straight key maka tidak akan lahir lambic yang ada sekarang ini. Jadi ianya tidak harus dilupakan dan ditinggalkan....

Atas kesedaran itulah aku menyertai kelab ini. Tidak dikenakan apa-apa bayaran cuma anda perlu menghantar email dan menyatakan kenapa anda ingin menyertai kelab ini. Jadi kena buat karanganlah...hehe. Syukur kepada tuhan, permohonan aku untuk menyertai mereka diluluskan dan aku diberi sijil penyertaan dan no id sekali. SKCC #7660

9m2zak SKCC certificate

K3UK SKCC Sked Page

Petang ini aku bekerja dengan satu stesen dari Australia...tapi kali ini ianya berbeza sedikit kerana sebelum kami bekerja...kami akan chat dulu kat sked page...sebenarnya ia adalah salah satu aktiviti SKCC iaitu Straight Key Century Club. Dimana ahli-ahlinya akan mengadakan temujanji untuk bekerja bergantung kepada keadaan band. Syukur petang tadi aku dapat bekerja dengan VK4TJ, John. Dengan hanya kekuatan 20 watt kami dapat bekerja dengan baik sekali kerana fre yang digunakan itu sememangnya tersedia khas...jadi tiada gangguan....Difahamkan juga kita boleh deal dengan mana stesen seluruh dunia untuk test qso dan test propogasi...Secara tidak langsung kita dapat tahu keadaan propogasi sebenarnya. Real Time Propogation Report....

Frekunsi yang digunakan ialah...

SKCC Member Operating Frequencies

Suggested operating frequencies are:

3.550 *primary
7.055 *primary

All Frequencies are + or - 10kHz

SKCC Members who use bugs are encouraged to make higher speed calls/CQs 2 KHz above the calling frequencies.

SKCC Members who prefer QRS (sending slowly) are encouraged to make calls 2 KHz down from the calling frequencies.

Jadi tunggu apa lagi...marilah join kita orang...anda boleh klik sini untuk maklumat lanjut...

nanti kita boleh bekerja bersama pula...

73, 9m2zak (SKCC #7660)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Keputusan RAE 2010-4

Segala persoalan dan segala teka-teki akan terjawab. Anda boleh menyemak keputusan RAE 2010-4 yang berlangsung pada 22 Disember 2010 mulai sekarang.

Tahniah kepada yang berjaya dan tahniah juga kepada yang tidak berjaya kerana sekurang-kurangnya anda telah pun mencuba. Bagi yang berjaya, selamat datang ke dunia Radio Amateur ini dan diharapkan semoga anda menjadi warga Hams Radio yang baik. Be a good ham...

Sila klik sini untuk menyemak keputusan anda...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hams across the world

Where are the hams and how many are around in this big world?....Over 3 millions populate the amateur bands, although not all are equally active... as of 2010, IARU counted 195 different countries with a national radio society. The growing countries of the Pacific Rim have substantial amateur populations. Europe, Africa, and Russia average total 442,193.
The Americas total 696 041 ( updated Dec 2010). Japan total 489 256 (updated Dec 2009), German total 81150 (updated Dec 2009, UK total 67485 (updated Mac 2009), Spain total 33298 (updated 2008) and Australia 15432 (updated Dec 2009).
How about Malaysia, our 1 Malaysia....Malaysia Hams total nearly 4095 (updated 2009)....and still growing...Amateur numbers are showing moderate growth in North America and strong growth in Asia and Europe...

USA = 696 041, update Dec 2010
Japan = 489 256, update Dec 2009
German = 81 150, update Dec 2009
United Kingdom = 67 485, update Mac 2009
Spain = 33298, update Dec 2008
Australia = 15432, update Dec 2009

so, tune the bands on a busy weekend and you will see what i mean! 73, 9m2zak

Install M5Stick-Launcher for Lilygo T-Deck

 Step 1 : Pergi ke github ini, kemudian klik pada release yang terkini, ada sebelah kanan s...